Registering As An Optician
Optical Courses & Apprenticeship
Are you looking for an exciting career path? A career as a health professional can be one of the most rewarding paths you can choose. Are you interested in math and science, business, health, or fashion?
Opticianry may be the right choice for you!
Applicants must register for and successfully complete an optical dispensing program, or online course offered by an accredited institution.
(If from Quebec – please skip to Pre-candidature)
In conjunction with an accredited school program or online course:
All programs/courses require the completion of a clinical or practicum component. Students must obtain practical experience through a job in an optical dispensary, working for an optician or optometrist as an apprentice.
The optician (or optometrist) at your place of employment must agree to sponsor and register you as an apprentice through your school, or if you are completing an online course, directly through OANB.
Registration as an apprentice is the beginning of a formal training process designed:
(a) to enable the apprentice to become an optician in as short a period as possible
(b) to provide the apprentice with the maximum possible information and skills
(c) to teach them to perform their role as an optician with confidence, competence, and professionalism
If a student is doing all, or part, of their practical component in the province of New Brunswick – whether in an optical dispensary or in a college setting, where members of the public are fitted for eyeglasses - the student must register as an apprentice with the Opticians Association of New Brunswick to legally practice optical dispensing while supervised.
To apply

For general & optical course information
For information specific to New Brunswick please read the following:
To become a licensed optician through the Opticians Association of New Brunswick (OANB), applicants must:
- Graduate from an optical dispensing program or on-line course.
- Successfully fulfill an apprenticeship agreement
- Out-of-province students only: apply for Pre-candidature with OANB
- Pass the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR) exam(s)
- Obtain a license to practice through OANB
On-line students only
A student must complete a two-year optical dispensing course online, while conducting their apprenticeship. The course, offered by the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), is administered by the Opticians Association of Canada (OAC). It consists of several theory courses and two practicum levels requiring 500 hours work for each. The mark for each theory course in the Eyeglasses Program is 63%, while practicum levels are marked on a pass/fail basis.
For information and to apply contact:
Prerequisites for all apprentices
Applicants must:
- Be demonstrably of good character
- Provide 3 letters of character reference
- Have sufficient educational background to pass a program/course, without extra tutoring in the basic principles of mathematics and physics upon which the course is founded
- Have a High School diploma and submit a transcript of marks (request original from school)
- NAIT students must be employed in an optical dispensary in New Brunswick and have a sponsorship agreement, between themselves and a licensed dispensing optician or optometrist (usually their employer). When applying, make it clear to the interviewer that your intention is to train to become an optician
- Working under the direct supervision of a licensed dispenser (sponsor or the sponsor’s delegate), must complete all practicum requirements of their optical course
- Be responsible for arranging lab experience, with their sponsor, if there is no lab in the dispensary where the student is employed
- Apply and pay the apprenticeship registration fee: $252.00. Fees will be refunded only in the event the application is refused by the OANB Council, or withdrawn prior to approval
- Be approved by the OANB Council upon receipt of all documents and payment of fees
For NAIT students residing in Quebec who wish to sit the NACOR exam and be licensed in New Brunswick.
- Fulfill all educational and practical requirements prescribed by their NAIT program/course
- Apply, fulfill all requirements, and pay for pre-candidature with the Opticians Association of New Brunswick, fee: $134.00. Applications and information may be obtained by emailing a request to
All oanb apprentices and pre-candidates
After successfully completing the two-year program/course, students must pass the National Optical Science practical exam – administered by NACOR (National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators). The exam is offered uniformly at various sites across Canada. There are separate examinations for eyeglasses (EG) and contact lenses (CL). OANB requires you to complete eyeglass certification, and become a licensed optician, before you can obtain contact lens certification. NACOR exam fees are: EG or CL: $775.00 each (payable to NACOR).
For examination schedules and details, go to:
Application for licensure and registration
Upon successful completion of both an accredited optical dispensing course and relevant NACOR examination(s), the student may apply for registration with OANB as a licensed optician by submitting the following:
- Application for licensure and registration with OANB – contact:
- An official transcript of marks from the optical dispensing course completed
- Confirmation from NACOR of marks on the NACOR examination(s)
- Payment of the licensing fee: $521.00. This fee covers licensure from registration, until the following August 1st, and licensure is thereafter renewed annually
*All fees quoted in this document are subject to change without notice.
For Opticians Licensed in Canada
If you have an Optician’s License in Canada, and want to register in New Brunswick, licensure will be granted under three circumstances:
- Applicant has graduated from an accredited Canadian course and has successfully completed a recognized evaluation process (either NACOR’s National Optical Science exam (separate for eyeglasses and contact lenses) or the Quebec l’Ordre’s ongoing process
- Applicant is currently licensed in another Canadian jurisdiction
- In the judgement of the OANB Council, the applicant’s experience, and training meet NB standards
To Register in NB
- Request that a letter of good standing be sent by email, from the Optician’s Association, in the province in which you are currently licensed, to OANB at:
- Submit a copy of your current license with your application
- Submit payment form and fees $521.00 Practicing License, $130.00 Non-Practicing
- Provide head & shoulders photo (PDF) for mandatory Photo ID card
Once your application, documents, fee payment and photo are received, your application will be presented to the OANB Council for approval. Upon approval you will be issued a license number, NB License certificate and a photo ID. You will also receive an informational welcome letter and the New Brunswick Optician’s Act, OANB Regulations, Standards of Practice and Ethical Code.
For Internationally Trained Opticians
If you are an internationally trained optician or have a background in optics or health care, you may be eligible to become an optician through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, and by passing the national examinations
Assessment fees:
Document review fee: $ 250.00
Eyeglasses Assessment: 1,000.00
Contact Lens Assessment: 500.00
Refraction Assessment: 500.00
*plus applicable taxes
To register contact: The National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR) at:
National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators
217-1080 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 3M3
Phone: (204) 949-1950
Fax: (204) 949-9153
Toll Free: 1-866-949-1950
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30am to 4:00pm CST